How can I cancel my subscription and have my account deleted?

If you no longer wish to use the paid version of Coposal, then you can simply change the current tariff to a permanently free tariff via your account. Please note the cancellation period of 30 days to the expiration of the contract.

Only accounts with the owner role can make a change to the tariff via the account and request a closure of the account!

If you do not want to cancel through your account, you are also welcome to send us your written cancellation by email to or by mail to the address below.

Copexa GmbH
Draisstr. 1
76448 Durmersheim


Log into your account on our website


After you are logged in, please click on your tariff on the left side.


To cancel your paid tariff, you can now transfer the current tariff back to the permanently free "FREE" tariff by simply clicking on "Downgrade". Your existing data and offers are thus retained. 


Optional: If you would like to have your account and all the data it contains deleted completely in accordance with DSGVO, then you can submit a request for deletion via your account. To do this, click on "My profile" and then select "Close account".

This affects all teams, team members and templates in your 
account. User logins and all account data will be deleted!


If you want to request immediate closure of your account, please activate the second option. Please note that all logins for the account will be blocked immediately.

Without activating the second option, the account will be deleted after the end of the tariff period.

Please note that the data required for billing purposes can only be deleted
at the end of the legal retention period.

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